Facelift procedures are one of the most popular cosmetic enhancement options available, and there are a number of facelift techniques that can help patients address a range of aesthetic concerns. In addition to traditional facelift surgery, our board-certified facial plastic surgeon offers the mini-facelift procedure for patients who are experiencing more subtle signs of facial aging. This treatment typically requires less recovery time when compared with a full facelift, and can ultimately help both men and women attain a more youthful, refreshed appearance with results that look natural.
Who is a good candidate?
Although it can sound appealing to do a less invasive procedure, the truth is that most patients want the best, longest-lasting procedure for them. Good candidates for a mini-lift typically have a great neckline, but feel the lower portion of the face is “saggy” or needs improvement. Keep in mind that you should not do a mini-facelift with the hopes of doing a full facelift in a few years. If you need a “full” facelift, that is the procedure you should seek. Dr. Jess Prischmann will meet with you for an initial consultation to evaluate your needs, talk with you about your goals, and determine whether a mini-facelift is the best option.
Ideal candidates for a mini-facelift are typically patients who are:
- Experiencing mild to moderate signs of aging in the lower face and neck
- Have acquired a change in the shape of the lower face and jawline with aging
- Experiencing sagging of the jowls
- Prepared to quit smoking at least four weeks prior to surgery and to not start smoking again after surgery
Candidacy typically has nothing to do with age. We have performed mini-facelifts on women in their late 30s as well as their mid-60s. Conversely, Dr. Prischmann has performed full facelifts on the same age range. It has everything to do with individual anatomy and expectations for outcome.
How is the surgery performed?
While the mini-facelift is less invasive than a full facelift, it is still a surgical procedure and will need to be performed under anesthesia. The procedure is done in a fully accredited outpatient surgery center with a dedicated anesthesiologist on site. Incisions are made in front of and behind the ears. Utilizing these incisions, the loose muscular layer of the face is tightened. Excess skin is removed, and the incisions are meticulously closed. Residual scarring should be well-hidden and virtually unnoticeable to others. Dr. Prischmann is highly experienced with this procedure and utilizes techniques that can result in a natural-looking appearance without a “windblown” look.
Dr. Prischmann performs a maximal mini-facelift. In other words, this procedure is not a way to get a “quick fix.” The longevity of a mini-facelift can be the same as a full facelift in many patients. It is important to note that, unlike a full facelift, the mini-facelift does not significantly address the neck. Patients who also have signs of excess skin and sagging under the chin and along the neck may be more ideally suited to a traditional facelift. The main issue is that you should only get a mini-facelift if that is truly the best procedure for you (we can help you decide).
What is the recovery?
There will likely be some degree of swelling, bruising, and even slight numbness in the face after surgery. While significant discomfort is not common after the mini-facelift procedure, Dr. Prischmann can prescribe pain medication to control any mild to moderate discomfort you may experience. Many patients return to work 10 days after the procedure. While it can take up to six weeks for full healing of the incisions, many women feel confident three weeks after the procedure. If you have a major event coming up, please inform Dr. Prischmann so we can counsel you on timing with regards to healing and downtime.
Do you have questions about mini-facelift procedures? Please contact us today for more information, or to schedule a consultation.